My Experience: Driftaway Float Center

After my chronic pain journey, I realized that the key to my pain management was to reduce the impact to my central nervous system. I was already interested in trying a float, but I wasn’t sure if I would benefit. For convenience of location, and some online reviews, I decided to try Driftaway Float Center.


If you know me, you know I love a good online booking system. Theirs was easy peasy. Side note - they also offer sauna visits, something I will surely try later. There were a few quid-pro-quos I had to agree with, all made perfect sense. I booked with a bestie who also experiences chronic symptoms, we’ll call her Chacha, to test out the hype of floating for pain relief.

Appointment Day

The location was easy to find, right off South Monroe Street. Entry to the waiting area was pleasant and we were greeted by Jeff, who we later found out was the owner. Respect. I have been THAT owner in THAT waiting room a bagillion times at Haven. You know how much heart and soul an owner dedicates to their business when you’re greeted by them front and center when you walk in. #shopsmall

The Rooms

After a brief intake, we were escorted to the rooms. At first glance, I fully expected someone from the future to bust out of them, having been in a cryogenic state and sent to the past to correct some political wrongdoing. HASTA LA VISTA, BABY. Maybe I watch too many sci-fi movies.

Picture courtesy of; one of their float pods open with blue light on and a chair and shower nearby.

Image from Driftaway’s website

The rooms were very clean, minimal, and comfortable. They were equipped with a shower, complete with shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, as well as exfoliating gloves, a towel, and ear wash for after the float.

The pods were filled with 1000 lbs of epsom in water warmed to body temperature, and equipped with light and music. The lid to the pods closed but could be propped open for claustrophobes, or just ventilation of cooler air. Instructions were given - shower, optionally exfoliate to increase magnesium absorption, optionally use ear plugs, and hop in. Warning: Don’t rub eyes or mouth - this stuff stings and is pretty gross!

The Float

The water was extremely pleasant, though a bit slimy from all the salt. The pod was spacious for my 6’ frame. And I couldn’t help but float from all of the salt increasing my buoyancy. The music was soothing and tonal, my favorite kind for relaxation.

At first, I thought “No way am I going to sleep in this thing, I can’t fall asleep just anywhere, it’s too new and interesting, I want to play with all the controls…” But after about 10 minutes, I turned the lights off, and sunk in. An unknown number of minutes later, I felt my arms twitch like I was drifting off to sleep. Okay, maybe sleep was an option. I closed my eyes, and watched random images begin to appear….

Off in the distance I hear a woman’s voice. Part of a dream maybe? Oh, wait, she’s talking to me! It’s the automated message telling me the time was up. Did I sleep? Well, not full drooling, snoring sleep. But that twilight sleep where you begin to dream, but you’re still slightly aware of surroundings. A quick shower rinsed off the salt, the ear solution was a must, and they have hair dryers in the bathrooms (I brought a hat so this wouldn’t be an issue for me.)


After showering, checking out, and figuring out what year it was, I felt amazing. I was truly surprised by the impact of that hour was on how I felt. My shoulders and back were relaxed, my mind was calm, and I even felt a little dopamine kick. Chacha reported the same results. Later in the day, I took a nap - something totally out of the norm for me. Recuperation maybe? Hard to say.

Today is the day after, and I still feel great. I wouldn’t say that the physical relaxation was permanent, but my energy and focus seem more sharp, and my symptoms are bothering me way less. All of this is evidence to me that a float every once and a while will recalibrate and reenergize me. I’m definitely adding this to my toolbox to manage my chronic pain! Chacha and I report that we will both be back!