Complete Decongestive Therapy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage

I recently earned certification as a Certified Lymphatic Therapist (CLT), as an extension of my Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) certificate. There’s some confusion over what these are. Read on…

MLD is a specific process by which certified therapists expedite the flow of lymph through a healthy lymphatic system using targeted techniques. Your lymph system moves on its own quite happily, but sometimes MLD can help that process along if it’s been overworked due to:

  • recovery from injury or illness

  • long vacations with a little overindulgence

  • pain relief for those with fibromyalgia and migraines

  • anxiety and sleep issues

If this is what you’re looking for, and you have a healthy lymph system, be sure to see someone certified in MLD. However, it is not a standalone solution for those with swelling after surgery or lymph node removal, or those with lymphedema. For that you need Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT).

CDT is a treatment for those with unhealthy lymph systems. This can be due to:

  • post surgical effects from lymph node removal

  • those born with lymphatic diseases

  • a malfunctioning lymph system due to some type of injury

  • untreated edema that has escalated

CDT includes MLD in treatment, but also includes redirection of lymph flow, compression through bandaging, exercises, skincare when needed, and patient education for aftercare. CDT is not a one-and-done type of treatment; typically 8 or more sessions are required to get the lymphedema to a manageable level. One it is manageable, aftercare is required for maintenance. CDT should only be performed by someone who is a Certified Lymphatic Therapist (CLT).

I hope this cleared up some confusion for you, but if you have more questions, email I’d be happy to discuss any questions you may have!